Welcome (François Bouchet)
France in ESO's history (Catherine Cesarsky)
ESO today and tomorrow (Xavier Barcons)
ESO in French astronomy (Martin Giard)
The ESO instruments (Adrian Russell)
The ELT program (Linda Tacconi)
Instrumentation research (Karine Perraut)
Exoplanets and disks (Anne-Marie Lagrange)
Extragalactic and cosmology (Françoise Combes)
Stellar physics (Pierre Kervella)
The solar system (Benoît Carry)
The ISM and molecules (Maryvonne Gérin)
ESO and French industry (Marc Ferrari)
Mirrors for ESO (Philippe Rioufreyt)
Sensors for ESO (Didier Rozière)
Optics for ESO (Philippe Godefroy)